The oxford
dictionary defines the word terrorism as, ‘’the use of violence and
intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.’’ However, if you search
the internet for other definitions of terrorism then you will come across many
that would astound you; one of the preferred definitions is simply the act of
going against or resisting a government using terroristic methods. As busy,
ever-moving 21st century
individuals, we might not really be aware about all the terror that goes on
around, but let me tell you there is in fact a lot of it that circles the
earth, sometimes even without any particular reason.
If we start
counting these horrifying attacks from the start of the 18th century,
there are more than thousands of such instances when terror has been fueled and
drilled into the minds of innocent people. So this list features history’s top
10 most dreadful terrorist attacks.
10: Wall Street Bombing/United States (16th September, 1920)
The bombing occurred in the Financial District of New York City at
around 12:01 pm, on a Thursday. The blast killed 38 people on site and
seriously injured another 143. Investigators and historians have speculated
that the bombing was carried out by an Italian anarchists group the
Galleanists, they were also responsible for a series of bombings that occurred
in the previous year, however the case was never solved and none were given justice.
9. British Mandate for Palestine (1937-1948)

8. The Mad Bomber/United Stated (1940-1956).
George P. Metesky, better known as the Mad Bomber who single handedly
terrorized New York City for more than 16 years in the 40s and 50s. For someone
who was declared legally insane and admitted to a mental facility years later,
placing 33 bombs in different crowded parts of the city like storage lockers,
or rest rooms was surely something you could only expect from a psycho-path. Some
of the most important places that he planted his explosives include the Grand
Central Terminal, Pennsylvania Station, Radio City Music Hall, the New York
Public Library and a lot more. Out of the 33 bombs Metesky had planted only 22
exploded injuring ten during this period of protest against the local electric
7. Menarsha Synagogue Attack/Syria (5th August, 1949)

6. Airliner Explosion/Philippines (7th May, 1949)

5. Ma’le Akrabim massacre/Israel (17th March, 1954)
Eleven passengers on a carrier bus were shot dead by attackers who
ambushed and boarded the bus in the middle of the day. Ma’le Akrabim is Hebrew
for the Scorpions Pass, which is a narrow, winding grade old road that connects
Eilat and Beersheba, just south of Makhtesh Katan. The pass was on the primary
route between Eilat and central Israel in 1954. Four passengers survived the
attack, from whom two were Israeli soldiers, a woman and a five-year old girl –
Miri Fristenberg, whose parents were killed in the attack.
4. Beirut Barracks Bombing/ Lebanon (23rd Oct, 1989)

3. Dubrovka Theater Siege/Russia (23rd Oct, 2002).
2. Piazza Fontana Bombing/Italy (12th Dec, 1969)
The Piazza Fontana Bombing was one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in
history, which took place around 4:30 pm, when a bomb exploded at the
headquarters of the National Agrarian Bank some 200m from the Duomo in Milan,
Italy. The attack resulted in 17 fatalities with more than 88 wounded. The same
afternoon, 3 more bombs were said to be planted in different cities around
Italy. 2 of them exploded in Rome and Milan and the 3rd one was retrieved before detonation.
1. 911 Attacks/United States (11th Sept, 2001)
referred to as the twin-tower bombing that occurred on the 11th of
September, 2011 is still believed to be a series of coordinated attacks
launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda led by the notorious Osama bin
laden who was killed by special American military forces on the 2nd of May,
2011. According to the mainstream media, four passenger airlines were hijacked
by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists so they could be flown right into the twin towers of
the World Trade Center in New York City. In total, almost 3000 people died in
the attacks, including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four
planes. Bin Laden first denied any involvement in the attacks; however in 2004
he claimed full responsibility. Anyway the deeper we investigate these
attacks, the harder we find it to gulp the whole story down and makes it very
hard to believe whatever the mainstream media and the United States government
want us to see.
Final Conclusion:
attacks are really nothing but a clear reflection of where we really are as a
race. Although we’ve come a long way since the Stone Age days, we still have a
lot to understand as to what we really are as beings. Emotions like hatred and
jealousy are tearing us apart with each passing moment; it is in fact hilarious
that we still let such things drive our ego. Well, we might have this general
misconception, ‘’I’m
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